About Our Certification Body

Our Vision, Mission & Accreditation


To be a globally recognized certification body, fostering continuous improvement and innovation across industries, ensuring the highest standards of quality, safety, and sustainability.


Our mission is to provide impartial, independent, and reliable certification services that enhance the performance of organizations, help them meet regulatory and customer requirements, and drive sustainable business practices.


We are accredited by [Accreditation Body Name], an internationally recognized organization that ensures our certification processes meet the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and professionalism.

Logo Use Guidelines

Proper Use of Certification Logo According to ISO 17021

The ISO 17021 standard outlines strict guidelines for the use of certification logos to ensure that they are used in a way that maintains the integrity and credibility of the certification. Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for certified organizations, as improper use of the logo can lead to misunderstandings and potentially damage the reputation of both the certified organization and the certification body. Below are the detailed rules and best practices for using the certification logo:

General Guidelines for Logo Usage

  • **Scope of Use:** The certification logo must be used exclusively in relation to the scope of certification. This means that the logo should only be displayed in contexts that accurately represent the certified management system, such as on marketing materials, websites, and official communications related to the certified processes or services.
  • **Display on Marketing Materials:** Certified organizations are encouraged to use the certification logo on promotional materials like brochures, websites, and advertisements to demonstrate their commitment to quality management standards. However, it is essential that the logo is displayed clearly and prominently, ensuring it is not obscured or diminished by other graphics or text.
  • **Non-Endorsement:** The logo must not be used in a way that suggests the certification body endorses or approves specific products, services, or practices. The certification only applies to the management system and not to individual products or services.
  • **Logo Integrity:** The logo must be used in its original form, without any alterations, distortions, or modifications. This includes maintaining the original proportions, colors, and design of the logo. Any resizing must preserve the aspect ratio to avoid distortion.
  • **Contextual Clarity:** When using the certification logo, it should be accompanied by clear and accurate statements about what has been certified. This helps prevent any confusion or misrepresentation of the certification's scope.

Prohibited Uses of the Certification Logo

  • **Product Labeling:** The certification logo must not be used on products or packaging. ISO 17021 certification applies to the management system and not to individual products or services, so using the logo in this way could misleadingly imply that the product itself is certified.
  • **Laboratory Reports and Test Certificates:** The logo must not appear on laboratory test reports, calibration certificates, or inspection reports. This misuse can suggest that the certification applies to the test or product results, which is not the case.
  • **Misleading Contexts:** The logo must not be used in a way that could be misleading or deceptive, such as implying that uncertified processes or products are covered by the certification. It is critical that the logo is only associated with the certified management system.
  • **Unapproved Modifications:** Altering the logo in any way, including changing its colors, adding or removing elements, or combining it with other logos or graphics, is strictly prohibited. Such changes can dilute the logo's meaning and weaken the certification's credibility.
  • **Personal Identification:** The logo should not be used on personal identification items such as business cards, email signatures, or personal stationery, unless it is clearly linked to the certified organization and used in a context that reflects the certified scope.

Compliance with these guidelines is mandatory for all certified organizations. Any misuse of the certification logo may result in the suspension or withdrawal of certification, and in some cases, legal action. It is the responsibility of the certified organization to ensure that all uses of the logo are consistent with these guidelines. If there is any doubt or uncertainty about how the logo should be used, please contact us for clarification and guidance.

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